Script Writing

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Writing your script does not need to be a challenging task. You already know what your brand needs. Maybe you can’t clearly articulate those ideas yet, but nobody understands your company and your vision better than you do. Here are some Guidelines and Reflection Questions to consider before writing your script. Let your answers to these questions guide the script writing.


1. Create an Outline

Just like any other writing or marketing project, writing a video marketing script is about telling a compelling story. In this case, you’ll probably want to make the video itself short and punchy, but depending on what your intent is, it may need to be longer.

The point of creating an outline or brief is so that you have an easily digestible outline that you can share with everyone involved in making the video. This is important for discussion as well – you’ll want to ensure that anyone else in charge is on board with your tone and brand messaging.

Questions to consider at this stage:

  • What are your marketing goals? Examples: drive more sales, grow brand awareness, reach new audiences or demographics
  • What is the purpose of your video? Examples: to inform or educate, to create awareness, to inspire change or action
  • What is the emotional response you want from the audience? Examples: happiness, belonging, trust, fear
  • What is your call to action? Examples: see what’s next, sign up now, secure your spot, learn more
  • What are your educational or informative points of the video? You do not need to have educational or informative points in your video but if you do – keep it short and specific. Focus on one or two points at the most. You have a small window of time with the viewer, try not to overwhelm them with too many facts or points.



2. Know Who You are Speaking to

Who is  your product, service, or message for?  Here’s the information you’ll need to find and engage your target viewer:

  • Demographics: What’s their age, gender, occupation, relationship status, parental status, education level, and income bracket? 
  • Behaviors and interests: What do they do on a regular basis? How do they like to spend their free time? What matters most to them? 
  • Goals: What are they trying to accomplish? What’s their definition of success? 
  • Pain points: What’s keeping them from achieving that success? What problems need to be solved in order for them to succeed?

When you’ve answered these questions will you be able to write focused, effective video scripts that attract and engage the right people.

Focus on who you are writing to – but more importantly, focus on what problem you can solve for them. People watch explainer videos to find out how you can help them. Be specific, and cut to the chase quick.



3. Write like you speak

The more natural you speak in your videos, the clearer your message will be. Therefore, when you sit down to write a script, you need to write like you speak.

Read every single sentence back to yourself—out loud. If it sounds weird to you, it’ll most likely sound weird to your audience. Keep at it until you’ve managed to communicate your ideas in a way that comes across clearly through spoken word.



4. Be Concise

You can be descriptive, but try to start with a simple 1-2 sentence pitch that summarizes your product/service/message and what it does and/or its benefits.

As you consider your script, remember that simple is best. Your script does not need not be complicated; it doesn’t need to be wordy – you’re just giving the viewer something interesting to take in. Focus on one key idea and drive it home.



5. Use Repetition – the Mother of all Learning

The introduction is important, because it catches the listener’s attention. State the business name and offer several times. You may want to do this at the beginning, middle and end, by working it into the script in a natural way. Repetition helps the audience to remember your information.

Tell them what you’re going to tell them, and then tell them what you’ve just told them.



6. Timing and Flow

Once you’ve written out the first draft of your script, do a word count. For the 59 Second Promotional Videos that we film for our clients; we suggest a word count that does not exceed 145- 155 words.

Remember, less is often more. If your script exceeds the suggested word count, begin to review it and see where you can ‘trim the fat’. In other words, what words and/or sentences can you remove without impacting the significance of the story or offer?

When you have your script down to the suggested word count, time yourself reading the script out loud. The goal is not to read the script as fast as you can to ensure you squeeze it into the 59 seconds. The goal is to be able to convey your message with ease and flow, even finding brief pauses or moments of silence between the talking points.



Your Business, Your Story, Share it with the World

You’ve worked hard for your business, go ahead and show it off a little. Whether you’re working with us on your video project or filming yourself, have fun and remember why you do the work that you do. You’ve got this…

Need video and live in the Okanagan Valley? Check out our current 59 Second Video Promotion

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